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ACS National Breast Cancer Roundtable launches 2024 - 2029 Strategic Plan

This national roadmap for advocacy and action is centered around four key priority areas.

The ACS National Breast Cancer Roundtable (NBCRT) has launched its 2024-2029 Strategic Plan which provides recommended strategies and activities that our partners can use to help define, prioritize, and accomplish their goals across the breast cancer continuum, offering a national roadmap for advocacy and action. It is centered around four key priority areas:

  • Risk assessment, screening, risk reduction and early diagnosis
  • Access to treatment
  • Clinical trials
  • Support and wellness services 

The plan was developed through a comprehensive and collaborative process involving input from community contributors nationwide. By prioritizing these areas, the ACS NBCRT aims to strengthen collaboration and consensus and drive progress in the breast cancer continuum. Through strategic partnerships, the ACS NBCRT is dedicated to eliminating disparities and reducing mortality rates. 

This plan would not be possible without the ACS NBCRT Leadership, members, persons with lived experiences, generous supporters, and team members for their collaborative efforts

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