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ACS applauds confirmation of director of National Institutes of Health

Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli is 'game changer' and 'ideal candidate to boldly lead the NIH into the future.'

On Nov. 17, the Senate confirmed Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD, as the new director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The role is critical to ensuring ongoing innovation in medical research, including in oncology, and Bertagnolli’s extensive experience in the space is prime to lead the agency.  

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) has advocated for her confirmation since her nomination by President Biden in May, including issuing a letter to the Senate HELP Committee last month.  

“On behalf of the American Cancer Society and the cancer patients we represent, we applaud the confirmation of Dr. Bertagnolli as the next director of the NIH. Dr. Bertagnolli is a highly skilled, accomplished oncology leader with an impeccable track record who will transform scientific discovery in the US, building on her successful leadership of the National Cancer Institute,” said Dr. Karen E. Knudsen, CEO of the American Cancer Society and ACS CAN, who also tweeted about the news. “Her extensive experience as a scientist, physician and surgeon has granted her first-hand knowledge of the importance of accelerating progress in cancer innovation and a deep understanding of the needs for cancer patients that will provide a strong and unique foundation to guide her tenure. In short, she is a game changer.” 

In addition to previously holding many professional memberships and appointments, Dr. Bertagnolli also served on the American Cancer Society (ACS)’s Board of Directors. Among her accomplishments in her tenure as interim director of the NIH, she released a robust National Cancer Plan, laying out an inspired roadmap to advance the Cancer Moonshot Initiative to end cancer as we know.  

“Dr. Bertagnolli is the ideal candidate to boldly lead the NIH into the future with over 30 years of impact as a world-renowned clinician and researcher,” said Lisa Lacasse, president of ACS CAN, who also tweeted about the news. “We’re excited to see her take the agency to new heights in light of our nation’s renewed focus to end cancer as we know it, for everyone and look forward to working with her on that shared goal.” 

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