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Cancer prevention starts with risk reduction

ACS will launch its new comprehensive cancer risk assessment tool, ACS CancerRisk360, in February, National Cancer Prevention Month, to help people understand their personal cancer risk factors and steps they can take to reduce that risk. The tool evaluates risk by looking at four key areas: genetic risk, family history, screening adherence, and daily life factors. By better assessing and empowering individuals to take actionable steps based on their personal cancer risk information, we can improve outcomes, including preventing cancer. 

Building on our long-standing relationship with Pfizer, including the most recent Change the Odds effort, and a long history of support for cancer screening initiatives, we’re once again collaborating to amplify the reach of our ACS CancerRisk360 assessment tool. Beginning in February, the ACS CancerRisk360 will be featured in the Pfizer for All campaign, connecting people directly to resources for better health. This collaboration will help amplify our reach and drive the utilization of the tool.

Approximately 40% of adult cancer diagnoses in the US are linked to modifiable risk factors. Cancer risk is dependent on several factors, including genetic/hereditary markers, family history of cancer, adherence to evidence-based cancer screening guidelines, and daily life factors such as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity, and body weight/BMI. While some cancers can’t be prevented, people can reduce their risk by making healthy choices like eating a healthy diet, staying active, and not smoking. 

What the tool is not: 

  • A risk calculator 
  • A medical device 
  • A replacement for a visit with a doctor or other healthcare professional
  • A research tool/project 

Team members are encouraged to check your cancer risk at: ​

​Get Involved

Research shows that nearly half of all cancers can be linked to risk factors you can change. You can help by: 

  • Take the ACS CancerRisk360 assessment to learn more about what you can change to improve your health and lower your cancer risk.
  • Encourage your network to take the assessment. 
  • Spread the word about the tool by amplifying ACS social media posts in February. ​
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