As reported in our Global Cancer Facts & Figures last year by our Surveillance and Health Equity Science team, the global cancer burden is expected to grow by approximately 80% in the next three decades solely due to the growing and aging of the population. The future burden is likely to be greater than projected because of the adoption of Western lifestyles associated with cancer such an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. On Feb. 4, the American Cancer Society joins organizations across the globe in uniting around World Cancer Day to make an impact on the growing cancer burden. Planned efforts are underway by our Discovery and Patient Support Pillars: With Cancer Research UK and the National Cancer Institute, our Discovery Pillar led the first of a now annual Cancer Prevention Conference. Expanding training for health care workers on the importance of HPV vaccination. Continuing to grow our network of patient navigation. Extending the scope of our African Cancer Coalition. Continue research capacity-building work in parts of Africa. Release of the fourth edition of The Cancer Atlas. Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development goal for 2025, Global Cancer Support will grow our collaborative partnerships worldwide to improve equitable patient access to prevention, screening, cancer treatment, and higher quality health systems and better-trained health care providers through new initiatives: Launch of the Global Alliance for Cancer Patient Navigation — ACS will lead a global collaborative to unify global principles surrounding patient navigation implementation and capacity development while building awareness of navigation’s vital benefit to patients, caregivers and health systems throughout the world.Launch of the ACS Global Academy — ACS will leverage the growing network of worldwide collaborating partners, including our growing Global Relay for Life network, Global Heroes of Hope, and other cancer organizations and civil society partners to deliver technical expertise for unified and collaborative global initiatives.Learn more about ACS’ work around the world – and be sure to check out The Cancer Atlas, which includes an interactive online resource where you can discover more by country or trend.